Wednesday, June 9, 2010

3 weeks in August

Below is what we're scheduled to do, week by week, while we're abroad. David is super-excited about it!

We're scheduled to fly from LAX to Warsaw on Friday, July 30. We'll arrive late on Saturday, July 31. During the first week of August, Real Action will take place in a city called Lodz. You may recall that last year we attended Real Action. It is a week-long event in which 100+ Christians partner with a polish city to perform repairs on public and private property, to provide a VBS camp for children, and to share the Gospel with the people. While Real Action takes place, PROeM will also host a children’s camp back at its camping facility in Zakosciele. We Soderlunds are praying to discern where we can best be used that week. Right now, we believe it will be at the children’s camp, but we are awaiting feedback from the PROeM staff. If they have a need for us at Real Action, then we will happily go.

The second week of August is the English camp for children. We’ve been asked to teach English classes during that week. We'll likely be preparing lessons and then spending several hours with a small group of kids throughout the week.

During our final week, we’ll fill in the gaps at the camp, doing whatever we’re asked to do. We'll fly home on Friday, August 20.